from .base import Base
[docs]class Channels(Base):
[docs] def get_all_channels(self, params=None):
"""Get a list of all channels
not_associated_to_group: A group id to exclude channels that are associated with that group via GroupChannel records. This can also be left blank with ``not_associated_to_group=``.
page: The page to select.
per_page: The number of channels per page.
exclude_default_channels: Whether to exclude default channels (ex Town Square, Off-Topic) from the results.
include_deleted: Include channels that have been archived. This correlates to the ``DeleteAt`` flag being set in the database.
include_total_count: Appends a total count of returned channels inside the response object - ex: ``{ "channels": [], "total_count" : 0 }``.
exclude_policy_constrained: If set to true, channels which are part of a data retention policy will be excluded. The ``sysconsole_read_compliance`` permission is required to use this parameter.
*Minimum server version*: 5.35
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - GetAllChannels) <>`_
return self.client.get("""/api/v4/channels""", params=params)
[docs] def create_channel(self, options):
"""Create a channel
team_id: The team ID of the team to create the channel on
name: The unique handle for the channel, will be present in the channel URL
display_name: The non-unique UI name for the channel
purpose: A short description of the purpose of the channel
header: Markdown-formatted text to display in the header of the channel
type: 'O' for a public channel, 'P' for a private channel
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - CreateChannel) <>`_
return"""/api/v4/channels""", options=options)
[docs] def create_direct_channel(self, options):
"""Create a direct message channel
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - CreateDirectChannel) <>`_
return"""/api/v4/channels/direct""", options=options)
[docs] def create_group_channel(self, options):
"""Create a group message channel
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - CreateGroupChannel) <>`_
return"""/api/v4/channels/group""", options=options)
[docs] def search_all_channels(self, options):
"""Search all private and open type channels across all teams
term: The string to search in the channel name, display name, and purpose.
not_associated_to_group: A group id to exclude channels that are associated to that group via GroupChannel records.
exclude_default_channels: Exclude default channels from the results by setting this parameter to true.
team_ids: Filters results to channels belonging to the given team ids
*Minimum server version*: 5.26
group_constrained: Filters results to only return channels constrained to a group
*Minimum server version*: 5.26
exclude_group_constrained: Filters results to exclude channels constrained to a group
*Minimum server version*: 5.26
public: Filters results to only return Public / Open channels, can be used in conjunction with ``private`` to return both ``public`` and ``private`` channels
*Minimum server version*: 5.26
private: Filters results to only return Private channels, can be used in conjunction with ``public`` to return both ``private`` and ``public`` channels
*Minimum server version*: 5.26
deleted: Filters results to only return deleted / archived channels
*Minimum server version*: 5.26
page: The page number to return, if paginated. If this parameter is not present with the ``per_page`` parameter then the results will be returned un-paged.
per_page: The number of entries to return per page, if paginated. If this parameter is not present with the ``page`` parameter then the results will be returned un-paged.
exclude_policy_constrained: If set to true, only channels which do not have a granular retention policy assigned to them will be returned. The ``sysconsole_read_compliance_data_retention`` permission is required to use this parameter.
*Minimum server version*: 5.35
include_search_by_id: If set to true, returns channels where given search 'term' matches channel ID.
*Minimum server version*: 5.35
exclude_remote: If set to true, only returns channels that are local to this server.
*Minimum server version*: 10.2
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - SearchAllChannels) <>`_
return"""/api/v4/channels/search""", options=options)
[docs] def search_group_channels(self, options):
"""Search Group Channels
term: The search term to match against the members' usernames of the group channels
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - SearchGroupChannels) <>`_
return"""/api/v4/channels/group/search""", options=options)
[docs] def get_public_channels_by_ids_for_team(self, team_id, options):
"""Get a list of channels by ids
team_id: Team GUID
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - GetPublicChannelsByIdsForTeam) <>`_
return"/api/v4/teams/{team_id}/channels/ids", options=options)
[docs] def get_channel_members_timezones(self, channel_id):
"""Get timezones in a channel
channel_id: Channel GUID
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - GetChannelMembersTimezones) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}/timezones")
[docs] def get_channel(self, channel_id):
"""Get a channel
channel_id: Channel GUID
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - GetChannel) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}")
[docs] def update_channel(self, channel_id, options):
"""Update a channel
channel_id: Channel GUID
id: The channel's id, not updatable
name: The unique handle for the channel, will be present in the channel URL
display_name: The non-unique UI name for the channel
purpose: A short description of the purpose of the channel
header: Markdown-formatted text to display in the header of the channel
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - UpdateChannel) <>`_
return self.client.put(f"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}", options=options)
[docs] def delete_channel(self, channel_id):
"""Delete a channel
channel_id: Channel GUID
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - DeleteChannel) <>`_
return self.client.delete(f"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}")
[docs] def patch_channel(self, channel_id, options):
"""Patch a channel
channel_id: Channel GUID
name: The unique handle for the channel, will be present in the channel URL
display_name: The non-unique UI name for the channel
purpose: A short description of the purpose of the channel
header: Markdown-formatted text to display in the header of the channel
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - PatchChannel) <>`_
return self.client.put(f"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}/patch", options=options)
[docs] def update_channel_privacy(self, channel_id, options):
"""Update channel's privacy
channel_id: Channel GUID
privacy: Channel privacy setting: 'O' for a public channel, 'P' for a private channel
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - UpdateChannelPrivacy) <>`_
return self.client.put(f"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}/privacy", options=options)
[docs] def restore_channel(self, channel_id):
"""Restore a channel
channel_id: Channel GUID
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - RestoreChannel) <>`_
[docs] def move_channel(self, channel_id, options):
"""Move a channel
channel_id: Channel GUID
force: Remove members those are not member of target team before moving the channel.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - MoveChannel) <>`_
return"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}/move", options=options)
[docs] def get_channel_stats(self, channel_id):
"""Get channel statistics
channel_id: Channel GUID
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - GetChannelStats) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}/stats")
[docs] def get_pinned_posts(self, channel_id):
"""Get a channel's pinned posts
channel_id: Channel GUID
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - GetPinnedPosts) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}/pinned")
[docs] def get_public_channels_for_team(self, team_id, params=None):
"""Get public channels
team_id: Team GUID
page: The page to select.
per_page: The number of public channels per page.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - GetPublicChannelsForTeam) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/teams/{team_id}/channels", params=params)
[docs] def get_private_channels_for_team(self, team_id, params=None):
"""Get private channels
team_id: Team GUID
page: The page to select.
per_page: The number of private channels per page.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - GetPrivateChannelsForTeam) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/teams/{team_id}/channels/private", params=params)
[docs] def get_deleted_channels_for_team(self, team_id, params=None):
"""Get deleted channels
team_id: Team GUID
page: The page to select.
per_page: The number of public channels per page.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - GetDeletedChannelsForTeam) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/teams/{team_id}/channels/deleted", params=params)
[docs] def autocomplete_channels_for_team(self, team_id, params=None):
"""Autocomplete channels
team_id: Team GUID
name: Name or display name
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - AutocompleteChannelsForTeam) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/teams/{team_id}/channels/autocomplete", params=params)
[docs] def autocomplete_channels_for_team_for_search(self, team_id, params=None):
"""Autocomplete channels for search
team_id: Team GUID
name: Name or display name
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - AutocompleteChannelsForTeamForSearch) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/teams/{team_id}/channels/search_autocomplete", params=params)
[docs] def search_channels(self, team_id, options):
"""Search channels
team_id: Team GUID
term: The search term to match against the name or display name of channels
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - SearchChannels) <>`_
return"/api/v4/teams/{team_id}/channels/search", options=options)
[docs] def search_archived_channels(self, team_id, options):
"""Search archived channels
team_id: Team GUID
term: The search term to match against the name or display name of archived channels
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - SearchArchivedChannels) <>`_
return"/api/v4/teams/{team_id}/channels/search_archived", options=options)
[docs] def get_channel_by_name(self, team_id, channel_name, params=None):
"""Get a channel by name
team_id: Team GUID
channel_name: Channel Name
include_deleted: Defines if deleted channels should be returned or not (Mattermost Server 5.26.0+)
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - GetChannelByName) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/teams/{team_id}/channels/name/{channel_name}", params=params)
[docs] def get_channel_by_name_for_team_name(self, team_name, channel_name, params=None):
"""Get a channel by name and team name
team_name: Team Name
channel_name: Channel Name
include_deleted: Defines if deleted channels should be returned or not (Mattermost Server 5.26.0+)
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - GetChannelByNameForTeamName) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/teams/name/{team_name}/channels/name/{channel_name}", params=params)
[docs] def get_channel_members(self, channel_id, params=None):
"""Get channel members
channel_id: Channel GUID
page: The page to select.
per_page: The number of members per page.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - GetChannelMembers) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}/members", params=params)
[docs] def add_channel_member(self, channel_id, options):
"""Add user(s) to channel
channel_id: The channel ID
user_id: The ID of user to add into the channel, for backwards compatibility.
user_ids: The IDs of users to add into the channel, required if 'user_id' doess not exist.
post_root_id: The ID of root post where link to add channel member originates
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - AddChannelMember) <>`_
return"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}/members", options=options)
[docs] def get_channel_members_by_ids(self, channel_id, options):
"""Get channel members by ids
channel_id: Channel GUID
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - GetChannelMembersByIds) <>`_
return"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}/members/ids", options=options)
[docs] def get_channel_member(self, channel_id, user_id):
"""Get channel member
channel_id: Channel GUID
user_id: User GUID
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - GetChannelMember) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id}")
[docs] def remove_user_from_channel(self, channel_id, user_id):
"""Remove user from channel
channel_id: Channel GUID
user_id: User GUID
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - RemoveUserFromChannel) <>`_
return self.client.delete(f"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id}")
[docs] def update_channel_roles(self, channel_id, user_id, options):
"""Update channel roles
channel_id: Channel GUID
user_id: User GUID
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - UpdateChannelRoles) <>`_
return self.client.put(f"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id}/roles", options=options)
[docs] def update_channel_member_scheme_roles(self, channel_id, user_id, options):
"""Update the scheme-derived roles of a channel member.
channel_id: Channel GUID
user_id: User GUID
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - UpdateChannelMemberSchemeRoles) <>`_
return self.client.put(f"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id}/schemeRoles", options=options)
[docs] def update_channel_notify_props(self, channel_id, user_id, options):
"""Update channel notifications
channel_id: Channel GUID
user_id: User GUID
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - UpdateChannelNotifyProps) <>`_
return self.client.put(f"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}/members/{user_id}/notify_props", options=options)
[docs] def view_channel(self, user_id, options):
"""View channel
user_id: User ID to perform the view action for
channel_id: The channel ID that is being viewed. Use a blank string to indicate that all channels have lost focus.
prev_channel_id: The channel ID of the previous channel, used when switching channels. Providing this ID will cause push notifications to clear on the channel being switched to.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - ViewChannel) <>`_
return"/api/v4/channels/members/{user_id}/view", options=options)
[docs] def get_channel_members_for_user(self, user_id, team_id):
"""Get channel memberships and roles for a user
user_id: User GUID
team_id: Team GUID
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - GetChannelMembersForUser) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels/members")
[docs] def get_channels_for_team_for_user(self, user_id, team_id, params=None):
"""Get channels for user
user_id: User GUID
team_id: Team GUID
include_deleted: Defines if deleted channels should be returned or not
last_delete_at: Filters the deleted channels by this time in epoch format. Does not have any effect if include_deleted is set to false.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - GetChannelsForTeamForUser) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/teams/{team_id}/channels", params=params)
[docs] def get_channels_for_user(self, user_id, params=None):
"""Get all channels from all teams
user_id: The ID of the user. This can also be "me" which will point to the current user.
last_delete_at: Filters the deleted channels by this time in epoch format. Does not have any effect if include_deleted is set to false.
include_deleted: Defines if deleted channels should be returned or not
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - GetChannelsForUser) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/channels", params=params)
[docs] def get_channel_unread(self, user_id, channel_id):
"""Get unread messages
user_id: User GUID
channel_id: Channel GUID
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - GetChannelUnread) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/channels/{channel_id}/unread")
[docs] def update_channel_scheme(self, channel_id, options):
"""Set a channel's scheme
channel_id: Channel GUID
scheme_id: The ID of the scheme.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - UpdateChannelScheme) <>`_
return self.client.put(f"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}/scheme", options=options)
[docs] def channel_members_minus_group_members(self, channel_id, params=None):
"""Channel members minus group members.
channel_id: Channel GUID
group_ids: A comma-separated list of group ids.
page: The page to select.
per_page: The number of users per page.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - ChannelMembersMinusGroupMembers) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}/members_minus_group_members", params=params)
[docs] def get_channel_member_counts_by_group(self, channel_id, params=None):
"""Channel members counts for each group that has atleast one member in the channel
channel_id: Channel GUID
include_timezones: Defines if member timezone counts should be returned or not
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - GetChannelMemberCountsByGroup) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}/member_counts_by_group", params=params)
[docs] def get_channel_moderations(self, channel_id):
"""Get information about channel's moderation.
channel_id: Channel GUID
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - GetChannelModerations) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}/moderations")
[docs] def patch_channel_moderations(self, channel_id, options):
"""Update a channel's moderation settings.
channel_id: Channel GUID
`Read in Mattermost API docs (channels - PatchChannelModerations) <>`_
return self.client.put(f"/api/v4/channels/{channel_id}/moderations/patch", options=options)