from .base import Base
[docs]class PlaybookRuns(Base):
[docs] def list_playbook_runs(self, params=None):
"""List all playbook runs
team_id: ID of the team to filter by.
page: Zero-based index of the page to request.
per_page: Number of playbook runs to return per page.
sort: Field to sort the returned playbook runs by.
direction: Direction (ascending or descending) followed by the sorting of the playbook runs.
statuses: The returned list will contain only the playbook runs with the specified statuses.
owner_user_id: The returned list will contain only the playbook runs commanded by this user. Specify "me" for current user.
participant_id: The returned list will contain only the playbook runs for which the given user is a participant. Specify "me" for current user.
search_term: The returned list will contain only the playbook runs whose name contains the search term.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (PlaybookRuns - listPlaybookRuns) <>`_
return self.client.get("""/plugins/playbooks/api/v0/runs""", params=params)
[docs] def create_playbook_run_from_post(self, options=None):
"""Create a new playbook run
name: The name of the playbook run.
description: The description of the playbook run.
owner_user_id: The identifier of the user who is commanding the playbook run.
team_id: The identifier of the team where the playbook run's channel is in.
post_id: If the playbook run was created from a post, this field contains the identifier of such post. If not, this field is empty.
playbook_id: The identifier of the playbook with from which this playbook run was created.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (PlaybookRuns - createPlaybookRunFromPost) <>`_
return"""/plugins/playbooks/api/v0/runs""", options=options)
[docs] def get_owners(self, params=None):
"""Get all owners
team_id: ID of the team to filter by.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (PlaybookRuns - getOwners) <>`_
return self.client.get("""/plugins/playbooks/api/v0/runs/owners""", params=params)
[docs] def get_channels(self, params=None):
"""Get playbook run channels
team_id: ID of the team to filter by.
sort: Field to sort the returned channels by, according to their playbook run.
direction: Direction (ascending or descending) followed by the sorting of the playbook runs associated to the channels.
status: The returned list will contain only the channels whose playbook run has this status.
owner_user_id: The returned list will contain only the channels whose playbook run is commanded by this user.
search_term: The returned list will contain only the channels associated to a playbook run whose name contains the search term.
participant_id: The returned list will contain only the channels associated to a playbook run for which the given user is a participant.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (PlaybookRuns - getChannels) <>`_
return self.client.get("""/plugins/playbooks/api/v0/runs/channels""", params=params)
[docs] def get_playbook_run_by_channel_id(self, channel_id):
"""Find playbook run by channel ID
channel_id: ID of the channel associated to the playbook run to retrieve.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (PlaybookRuns - getPlaybookRunByChannelId) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/plugins/playbooks/api/v0/runs/channel/{channel_id}")
[docs] def get_playbook_run(self, id):
"""Get a playbook run
id: ID of the playbook run to retrieve.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (PlaybookRuns - getPlaybookRun) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/plugins/playbooks/api/v0/runs/{id}")
[docs] def update_playbook_run(self, id, options=None):
"""Update a playbook run
id: ID of the playbook run to retrieve.
active_stage: Zero-based index of the stage that will be made active.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (PlaybookRuns - updatePlaybookRun) <>`_
return self.client.patch(f"/plugins/playbooks/api/v0/runs/{id}", options=options)
[docs] def end_playbook_run(self, id):
"""End a playbook run
id: ID of the playbook run to end.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (PlaybookRuns - endPlaybookRun) <>`_
return self.client.put(f"/plugins/playbooks/api/v0/runs/{id}/end")
[docs] def restart_playbook_run(self, id):
"""Restart a playbook run
id: ID of the playbook run to restart.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (PlaybookRuns - restartPlaybookRun) <>`_
return self.client.put(f"/plugins/playbooks/api/v0/runs/{id}/restart")
[docs] def status(self, id, options=None):
"""Update a playbook run's status
id: ID of the playbook run to update.
message: The status update message.
reminder: The number of seconds until the system will send a reminder to the owner to update the status. No reminder will be scheduled if reminder is 0 or omitted.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (PlaybookRuns - status) <>`_
return"/plugins/playbooks/api/v0/runs/{id}/status", options=options)
[docs] def finish(self, id):
"""Finish a playbook
id: ID of the playbook run to finish.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (PlaybookRuns - finish) <>`_
return self.client.put(f"/plugins/playbooks/api/v0/runs/{id}/finish")
[docs] def change_owner(self, id, options=None):
"""Update playbook run owner
id: ID of the playbook run whose owner will be changed.
owner_id: The user ID of the new owner.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (PlaybookRuns - changeOwner) <>`_
return"/plugins/playbooks/api/v0/runs/{id}/owner", options=options)
[docs] def add_checklist_item(self, id, checklist, options=None):
"""Add an item to a playbook run's checklist
id: ID of the playbook run whose checklist will be modified.
checklist: Zero-based index of the checklist to modify.
title: The title of the checklist item.
state: The state of the checklist item. An empty string means that the item is not done.
state_modified: The timestamp for the latest modification of the item's state, formatted as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch. It equals 0 if the item was never modified.
assignee_id: The identifier of the user that has been assigned to complete this item. If the item has no assignee, this is an empty string.
assignee_modified: The timestamp for the latest modification of the item's assignee, formatted as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch. It equals 0 if the item never got an assignee.
command: The slash command associated with this item. If the item has no slash command associated, this is an empty string
command_last_run: The timestamp for the latest execution of the item's command, formatted as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch. It equals 0 if the command was never executed.
description: A detailed description of the checklist item, formatted with Markdown.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (PlaybookRuns - addChecklistItem) <>`_
return"/plugins/playbooks/api/v0/runs/{id}/checklists/{checklist}/add", options=options)
[docs] def reoder_checklist_item(self, id, checklist, options=None):
"""Reorder an item in a playbook run's checklist
id: ID of the playbook run whose checklist will be modified.
checklist: Zero-based index of the checklist to modify.
item_num: Zero-based index of the item to reorder.
new_location: Zero-based index of the new place to move the item to.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (PlaybookRuns - reoderChecklistItem) <>`_
return self.client.put(f"/plugins/playbooks/api/v0/runs/{id}/checklists/{checklist}/reorder", options=options)
[docs] def item_rename(self, id, checklist, item, options=None):
"""Update an item of a playbook run's checklist
id: ID of the playbook run whose checklist will be modified.
checklist: Zero-based index of the checklist to modify.
item: Zero-based index of the item to modify.
title: The new title of the item.
command: The new slash command of the item.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (PlaybookRuns - itemRename) <>`_
return self.client.put(
f"/plugins/playbooks/api/v0/runs/{id}/checklists/{checklist}/item/{item}", options=options
[docs] def item_delete(self, id, checklist, item):
"""Delete an item of a playbook run's checklist
id: ID of the playbook run whose checklist will be modified.
checklist: Zero-based index of the checklist to modify.
item: Zero-based index of the item to modify.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (PlaybookRuns - itemDelete) <>`_
return self.client.delete(f"/plugins/playbooks/api/v0/runs/{id}/checklists/{checklist}/item/{item}")
[docs] def item_set_state(self, id, checklist, item, options=None):
"""Update the state of an item
id: ID of the playbook run whose checklist will be modified.
checklist: Zero-based index of the checklist to modify.
item: Zero-based index of the item to modify.
new_state: The new state of the item.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (PlaybookRuns - itemSetState) <>`_
return self.client.put(
f"/plugins/playbooks/api/v0/runs/{id}/checklists/{checklist}/item/{item}/state", options=options
[docs] def item_set_assignee(self, id, checklist, item, options=None):
"""Update the assignee of an item
id: ID of the playbook run whose item will get a new assignee.
checklist: Zero-based index of the checklist whose item will get a new assignee.
item: Zero-based index of the item that will get a new assignee.
assignee_id: The user ID of the new assignee of the item.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (PlaybookRuns - itemSetAssignee) <>`_
return self.client.put(
f"/plugins/playbooks/api/v0/runs/{id}/checklists/{checklist}/item/{item}/assignee", options=options
[docs] def item_run(self, id, checklist, item):
"""Run an item's slash command
id: ID of the playbook run whose item will be executed.
checklist: Zero-based index of the checklist whose item will be executed.
item: Zero-based index of the item whose slash command will be executed.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (PlaybookRuns - itemRun) <>`_
return self.client.put(f"/plugins/playbooks/api/v0/runs/{id}/checklists/{checklist}/item/{item}/run")