from .base import Base
[docs]class RemoteClusters(Base):
[docs] def get_remote_clusters(self, params=None):
"""Get a list of remote clusters.
page: The page to select
per_page: The number of remote clusters per page
exclude_offline: Exclude offline remote clusters
in_channel: Select remote clusters in channel
not_in_channel: Select remote clusters not in this channel
only_confirmed: Select only remote clusters already confirmed
only_plugins: Select only remote clusters that belong to a plugin
exclude_plugins: Select only remote clusters that don't belong to a plugin
include_deleted: Include those remote clusters that have been deleted
`Read in Mattermost API docs (remote_clusters - GetRemoteClusters) <>`_
return self.client.get("""/api/v4/remotecluster""", params=params)
[docs] def create_remote_cluster(self, options=None):
"""Create a new remote cluster.
password: The password to use in the invite code. If empty,
the server will generate one and it will be part
of the response
`Read in Mattermost API docs (remote_clusters - CreateRemoteCluster) <>`_
return"""/api/v4/remotecluster""", options=options)
[docs] def get_remote_cluster(self, remote_id):
"""Get a remote cluster.
remote_id: Remote Cluster GUID
`Read in Mattermost API docs (remote_clusters - GetRemoteCluster) <>`_
return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/remotecluster/{remote_id}")
[docs] def patch_remote_cluster(self, remote_id, options=None):
"""Patch a remote cluster.
remote_id: Remote Cluster GUID
default_team_id: The team where channels from invites are created
`Read in Mattermost API docs (remote_clusters - PatchRemoteCluster) <>`_
return self.client.patch(f"/api/v4/remotecluster/{remote_id}", options=options)
[docs] def delete_remote_cluster(self, remote_id):
"""Delete a remote cluster.
remote_id: Remote Cluster GUID
`Read in Mattermost API docs (remote_clusters - DeleteRemoteCluster) <>`_
return self.client.delete(f"/api/v4/remotecluster/{remote_id}")
[docs] def generate_remote_cluster_invite(self, options=None):
"""Generate invite code.
password: The password to encrypt the invite code with.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (remote_clusters - GenerateRemoteClusterInvite) <>`_
return"/api/v4/remotecluster/{remote_id}/generate_invite", options=options)
[docs] def accept_remote_cluster_invite(self, options=None):
"""Accept a remote cluster invite code.
password: The password to decrypt the invite code.
`Read in Mattermost API docs (remote_clusters - AcceptRemoteClusterInvite) <>`_
return"""/api/v4/remotecluster/accept_invite""", options=options)