Source code for mattermostautodriver.endpoints.users

from .base import Base

[docs]class Users(Base):
[docs] def login(self, options): """Login to Mattermost server id: login_id: token: device_id: ldap_only: password: The password used for email authentication. `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - Login) <>`_ """ return"""/api/v4/users/login""", options=options)
[docs] def login_by_cws_token(self, options): """Auto-Login to Mattermost server using CWS token login_id: cws_token: `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - LoginByCwsToken) <>`_ """ return"""/api/v4/users/login/cws""", options=options)
[docs] def logout(self): """Logout from the Mattermost server `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - Logout) <>`_ """ return"""/api/v4/users/logout""")
[docs] def create_user(self, options): """Create a user email: username: first_name: last_name: nickname: position: timezone: auth_data: Service-specific authentication data, such as email address. auth_service: The authentication service, one of "email", "gitlab", "ldap", "saml", "office365", "google", and "". password: The password used for email authentication. locale: props: notify_props: `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - CreateUser) <>`_ """ return"""/api/v4/users""", options=options)
[docs] def get_users(self, params=None): """Get users page: The page to select. per_page: The number of users per page. in_team: The ID of the team to get users for. not_in_team: The ID of the team to exclude users for. Must not be used with "in_team" query parameter. in_channel: The ID of the channel to get users for. not_in_channel: The ID of the channel to exclude users for. Must be used with "in_channel" query parameter. in_group: The ID of the group to get users for. Must have ``manage_system`` permission. group_constrained: When used with ``not_in_channel`` or ``not_in_team``, returns only the users that are allowed to join the channel or team based on its group constrains. without_team: Whether or not to list users that are not on any team. This option takes precendence over ``in_team``, ``in_channel``, and ``not_in_channel``. active: Whether or not to list only users that are active. This option cannot be used along with the ``inactive`` option. inactive: Whether or not to list only users that are deactivated. This option cannot be used along with the ``active`` option. role: Returns users that have this role. sort: Sort is only available in conjunction with certain options below. The paging parameter is also always available. ##### ``in_team`` Can be "", "last_activity_at" or "create_at". When left blank, sorting is done by username. Note that when "last_activity_at" is specified, an additional "last_activity_at" field will be returned in the response packet. *Minimum server version*: 4.0 ##### ``in_channel`` Can be "", "status". When left blank, sorting is done by username. ``status`` will sort by User's current status (Online, Away, DND, Offline), then by Username. *Minimum server version*: 4.7 ##### ``in_group`` Can be "", "display_name". When left blank, sorting is done by username. ``display_name`` will sort alphabetically by user's display name. *Minimum server version*: 7.7 roles: Comma separated string used to filter users based on any of the specified system roles Example: ``?roles=system_admin,system_user`` will return users that are either system admins or system users *Minimum server version*: 5.26 channel_roles: Comma separated string used to filter users based on any of the specified channel roles, can only be used in conjunction with ``in_channel`` Example: ``?in_channel=4eb6axxw7fg3je5iyasnfudc5y&channel_roles=channel_user`` will return users that are only channel users and not admins or guests *Minimum server version*: 5.26 team_roles: Comma separated string used to filter users based on any of the specified team roles, can only be used in conjunction with ``in_team`` Example: ``?in_team=4eb6axxw7fg3je5iyasnfudc5y&team_roles=team_user`` will return users that are only team users and not admins or guests *Minimum server version*: 5.26 `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetUsers) <>`_ """ return self.client.get("""/api/v4/users""", params=params)
[docs] def permanent_delete_all_users(self): """Permanent delete all users `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - PermanentDeleteAllUsers) <>`_ """ return self.client.delete("""/api/v4/users""")
[docs] def get_users_by_ids(self, options): """Get users by ids `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetUsersByIds) <>`_ """ return"""/api/v4/users/ids""", options=options)
[docs] def get_users_by_group_channel_ids(self, options): """Get users by group channels ids `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetUsersByGroupChannelIds) <>`_ """ return"""/api/v4/users/group_channels""", options=options)
[docs] def get_users_by_usernames(self, options): """Get users by usernames `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetUsersByUsernames) <>`_ """ return"""/api/v4/users/usernames""", options=options)
[docs] def search_users(self, options): """Search users term: The term to match against username, full name, nickname and email team_id: If provided, only search users on this team not_in_team_id: If provided, only search users not on this team in_channel_id: If provided, only search users in this channel not_in_channel_id: If provided, only search users not in this channel. Must specifiy ``team_id`` when using this option in_group_id: If provided, only search users in this group. Must have ``manage_system`` permission. group_constrained: When used with ``not_in_channel_id`` or ``not_in_team_id``, returns only the users that are allowed to join the channel or team based on its group constrains. allow_inactive: When ``true``, include deactivated users in the results without_team: Set this to ``true`` if you would like to search for users that are not on a team. This option takes precendence over ``team_id``, ``in_channel_id``, and ``not_in_channel_id``. limit: The maximum number of users to return in the results *Available as of server version 5.6. Defaults to ``100`` if not provided or on an earlier server version.* `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - SearchUsers) <>`_ """ return"""/api/v4/users/search""", options=options)
[docs] def autocomplete_users(self, params=None): """Autocomplete users team_id: Team ID channel_id: Channel ID name: Username, nickname first name or last name limit: The maximum number of users to return in each subresult *Available as of server version 5.6. Defaults to ``100`` if not provided or on an earlier server version.* `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - AutocompleteUsers) <>`_ """ return self.client.get("""/api/v4/users/autocomplete""", params=params)
[docs] def get_known_users(self): """Get user IDs of known users `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetKnownUsers) <>`_ """ return self.client.get("""/api/v4/users/known""")
[docs] def get_total_users_stats(self): """Get total count of users in the system `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetTotalUsersStats) <>`_ """ return self.client.get("""/api/v4/users/stats""")
[docs] def get_total_users_stats_filtered(self, params=None): """Get total count of users in the system matching the specified filters in_team: The ID of the team to get user stats for. in_channel: The ID of the channel to get user stats for. include_deleted: If deleted accounts should be included in the count. include_bots: If bot accounts should be included in the count. roles: Comma separated string used to filter users based on any of the specified system roles Example: ``?roles=system_admin,system_user`` will include users that are either system admins or system users channel_roles: Comma separated string used to filter users based on any of the specified channel roles, can only be used in conjunction with ``in_channel`` Example: ``?in_channel=4eb6axxw7fg3je5iyasnfudc5y&channel_roles=channel_user`` will include users that are only channel users and not admins or guests team_roles: Comma separated string used to filter users based on any of the specified team roles, can only be used in conjunction with ``in_team`` Example: ``?in_team=4eb6axxw7fg3je5iyasnfudc5y&team_roles=team_user`` will include users that are only team users and not admins or guests `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetTotalUsersStatsFiltered) <>`_ """ return self.client.get("""/api/v4/users/stats/filtered""", params=params)
[docs] def get_user(self, user_id): """Get a user user_id: User GUID. This can also be "me" which will point to the current user. `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetUser) <>`_ """ return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}")
[docs] def update_user(self, user_id, options): """Update a user user_id: User GUID id: email: username: first_name: last_name: nickname: locale: position: timezone: props: notify_props: `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - UpdateUser) <>`_ """ return self.client.put(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}", options=options)
[docs] def delete_user(self, user_id): """Deactivate a user account. user_id: User GUID `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - DeleteUser) <>`_ """ return self.client.delete(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}")
[docs] def patch_user(self, user_id, options): """Patch a user user_id: User GUID email: username: first_name: last_name: nickname: locale: position: timezone: props: notify_props: `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - PatchUser) <>`_ """ return self.client.put(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/patch", options=options)
[docs] def update_user_roles(self, user_id, options): """Update a user's roles user_id: User GUID roles: `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - UpdateUserRoles) <>`_ """ return self.client.put(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/roles", options=options)
[docs] def update_user_active(self, user_id, options): """Update user active status user_id: User GUID active: `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - UpdateUserActive) <>`_ """ return self.client.put(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/active", options=options)
[docs] def get_profile_image(self, user_id, params=None): """Get user's profile image user_id: User GUID _: Not used by the server. Clients can pass in the last picture update time of the user to potentially take advantage of caching `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetProfileImage) <>`_ """ return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/image", params=params)
[docs] def set_profile_image(self, user_id, files, data=None): """Set user's profile image user_id: User GUID image: The image to be uploaded `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - SetProfileImage) <>`_ """ return"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/image", files=files, data=data)
[docs] def set_default_profile_image(self, user_id): """Delete user's profile image user_id: User GUID `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - SetDefaultProfileImage) <>`_ """ return self.client.delete(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/image")
[docs] def get_default_profile_image(self, user_id): """Return user's default (generated) profile image user_id: User GUID `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetDefaultProfileImage) <>`_ """ return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/image/default")
[docs] def get_user_by_username(self, username): """Get a user by username username: Username `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetUserByUsername) <>`_ """ return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/users/username/{username}")
[docs] def reset_password(self, options): """Reset password code: The recovery code new_password: The new password for the user `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - ResetPassword) <>`_ """ return"""/api/v4/users/password/reset""", options=options)
[docs] def update_user_mfa(self, user_id, options): """Update a user's MFA user_id: User GUID activate: Use ``true`` to activate, ``false`` to deactivate code: The code produced by your MFA client. Required if ``activate`` is true `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - UpdateUserMfa) <>`_ """ return self.client.put(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/mfa", options=options)
[docs] def generate_mfa_secret(self, user_id): """Generate MFA secret user_id: User GUID `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GenerateMfaSecret) <>`_ """ return"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/mfa/generate")
[docs] def demote_user_to_guest(self, user_id): """Demote a user to a guest user_id: User GUID `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - DemoteUserToGuest) <>`_ """ return"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/demote")
[docs] def promote_guest_to_user(self, user_id): """Promote a guest to user user_id: User GUID `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - PromoteGuestToUser) <>`_ """ return"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/promote")
[docs] def convert_user_to_bot(self, user_id): """Convert a user into a bot user_id: User GUID `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - ConvertUserToBot) <>`_ """ return"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/convert_to_bot")
[docs] def check_user_mfa(self, options): """Check MFA login_id: The email or username used to login `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - CheckUserMfa) <>`_ """ return"""/api/v4/users/mfa""", options=options)
[docs] def update_user_password(self, user_id, options): """Update a user's password user_id: User GUID current_password: The current password for the user new_password: The new password for the user `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - UpdateUserPassword) <>`_ """ return self.client.put(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/password", options=options)
[docs] def send_password_reset_email(self, options): """Send password reset email email: The email of the user `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - SendPasswordResetEmail) <>`_ """ return"""/api/v4/users/password/reset/send""", options=options)
[docs] def get_user_by_email(self, email): """Get a user by email email: User Email `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetUserByEmail) <>`_ """ return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/users/email/{email}")
[docs] def get_sessions(self, user_id): """Get user's sessions user_id: User GUID `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetSessions) <>`_ """ return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/sessions")
[docs] def revoke_session(self, user_id, options): """Revoke a user session user_id: User GUID session_id: The session GUID to revoke. `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - RevokeSession) <>`_ """ return"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/sessions/revoke", options=options)
[docs] def revoke_all_sessions(self, user_id): """Revoke all active sessions for a user user_id: User GUID `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - RevokeAllSessions) <>`_ """ return"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/sessions/revoke/all")
[docs] def attach_device_extra_props(self, options): """Attach mobile device and extra props to the session object device_id: Mobile device id. For Android prefix the id with ``android:`` and Apple with ``apple:`` deviceNotificationDisabled: Whether the mobile device has notifications disabled. Accepted values are "true" or "false". mobileVersion: Mobile app version. The version must be parseable as a semver. `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - AttachDeviceExtraProps) <>`_ """ return self.client.put("""/api/v4/users/sessions/device""", options=options)
[docs] def get_user_audits(self, user_id): """Get user's audits user_id: User GUID `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetUserAudits) <>`_ """ return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/audits")
[docs] def verify_user_email_without_token(self, user_id): """Verify user email by ID user_id: User GUID `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - VerifyUserEmailWithoutToken) <>`_ """ return"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/email/verify/member")
[docs] def verify_user_email(self, options): """Verify user email token: The token given to validate the email `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - VerifyUserEmail) <>`_ """ return"""/api/v4/users/email/verify""", options=options)
[docs] def send_verification_email(self, options): """Send verification email email: Email of a user `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - SendVerificationEmail) <>`_ """ return"""/api/v4/users/email/verify/send""", options=options)
[docs] def switch_account_type(self, options): """Switch login method current_service: The service the user currently uses to login new_service: The service the user will use to login email: The email of the user password: The password used with the current service mfa_code: The MFA code of the current service ldap_id: The LDAP/AD id of the user `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - SwitchAccountType) <>`_ """ return"""/api/v4/users/login/switch""", options=options)
[docs] def create_user_access_token(self, user_id, options): """Create a user access token user_id: User GUID description: A description of the token usage `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - CreateUserAccessToken) <>`_ """ return"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/tokens", options=options)
[docs] def get_user_access_tokens_for_user(self, user_id, params=None): """Get user access tokens user_id: User GUID page: The page to select. per_page: The number of tokens per page. `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetUserAccessTokensForUser) <>`_ """ return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/tokens", params=params)
[docs] def get_user_access_tokens(self, params=None): """Get user access tokens page: The page to select. per_page: The number of tokens per page. `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetUserAccessTokens) <>`_ """ return self.client.get("""/api/v4/users/tokens""", params=params)
[docs] def revoke_user_access_token(self, options): """Revoke a user access token token_id: The user access token GUID to revoke `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - RevokeUserAccessToken) <>`_ """ return"""/api/v4/users/tokens/revoke""", options=options)
[docs] def get_user_access_token(self, token_id): """Get a user access token token_id: User access token GUID `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetUserAccessToken) <>`_ """ return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/users/tokens/{token_id}")
[docs] def disable_user_access_token(self, options): """Disable personal access token token_id: The personal access token GUID to disable `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - DisableUserAccessToken) <>`_ """ return"""/api/v4/users/tokens/disable""", options=options)
[docs] def enable_user_access_token(self, options): """Enable personal access token token_id: The personal access token GUID to enable `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - EnableUserAccessToken) <>`_ """ return"""/api/v4/users/tokens/enable""", options=options)
[docs] def search_user_access_tokens(self, options): """Search tokens term: The search term to match against the token id, user id or username. `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - SearchUserAccessTokens) <>`_ """ return"""/api/v4/users/tokens/search""", options=options)
[docs] def update_user_auth(self, user_id, options): """Update a user's authentication method user_id: User GUID `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - UpdateUserAuth) <>`_ """ return self.client.put(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/auth", options=options)
[docs] def register_terms_of_service_action(self, user_id, options): """Records user action when they accept or decline custom terms of service user_id: User GUID serviceTermsId: terms of service ID on which the user is acting on accepted: true or false, indicates whether the user accepted or rejected the terms of service. `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - RegisterTermsOfServiceAction) <>`_ """ return"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/terms_of_service", options=options)
[docs] def get_user_terms_of_service(self, user_id): """Fetches user's latest terms of service action if the latest action was for acceptance. user_id: User GUID `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetUserTermsOfService) <>`_ """ return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/terms_of_service")
[docs] def revoke_sessions_from_all_users(self): """Revoke all sessions from all users. `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - RevokeSessionsFromAllUsers) <>`_ """ return"""/api/v4/users/sessions/revoke/all""")
[docs] def publish_user_typing(self, user_id, options=None): """Publish a user typing websocket event. user_id: User GUID channel_id: The id of the channel to which to direct the typing event. parent_id: The optional id of the root post of the thread to which the user is replying. If unset, the typing event is directed at the entire channel. `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - PublishUserTyping) <>`_ """ return"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/typing", options=options)
[docs] def get_uploads_for_user(self, user_id): """Get uploads for a user user_id: The ID of the user. This can also be "me" which will point to the current user. `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetUploadsForUser) <>`_ """ return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/uploads")
[docs] def get_channel_members_with_team_data_for_user(self, user_id, params=None): """Get all channel members from all teams for a user user_id: The ID of the user. This can also be "me" which will point to the current user. page: Page specifies which part of the results to return, by perPage. per_page: The size of the returned chunk of results. `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetChannelMembersWithTeamDataForUser) <>`_ """ return self.client.get(f"/api/v4/users/{user_id}/channel_members", params=params)
[docs] def migrate_auth_to_ldap(self, options=None): """Migrate user accounts authentication type to LDAP. from: The current authentication type for the matched users. match_field: Foreign user field name to match. force: `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - MigrateAuthToLdap) <>`_ """ return"""/api/v4/users/migrate_auth/ldap""", options=options)
[docs] def migrate_auth_to_saml(self, options=None): """Migrate user accounts authentication type to SAML. from: The current authentication type for the matched users. matches: Users map. auto: `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - MigrateAuthToSaml) <>`_ """ return"""/api/v4/users/migrate_auth/saml""", options=options)
[docs] def get_users_with_invalid_emails(self, params=None): """Get users with invalid emails page: The page to select. per_page: The number of users per page. `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetUsersWithInvalidEmails) <>`_ """ return self.client.get("""/api/v4/users/invalid_emails""", params=params)
[docs] def convert_bot_to_user(self, bot_user_id, options): """Convert a bot into a user bot_user_id: Bot user ID email: username: password: first_name: last_name: nickname: locale: position: props: notify_props: `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - ConvertBotToUser) <>`_ """ return"/api/v4/bots/{bot_user_id}/convert_to_user", options=options)
[docs] def get_users_for_reporting(self, params=None): """Get a list of paged and sorted users for admin reporting purposes sort_column: The column to sort the users by. Must be one of ("CreateAt", "Username", "FirstName", "LastName", "Nickname", "Email") or the API will return an error. direction: The direction in which to accept paging values from. Will return values ahead of the cursor if "up", and below the cursor if "down". Default is "down". sort_direction: The sorting direction. Must be one of ("asc", "desc"). Will default to 'asc' if not specified or the input is invalid. page_size: The maximum number of users to return. from_column_value: The value of the sorted column corresponding to the cursor to read from. Should be blank for the first page asked for. from_id: The value of the user id corresponding to the cursor to read from. Should be blank for the first page asked for. date_range: The date range of the post statistics to display. Must be one of ("last30days", "previousmonth", "last6months", "alltime"). Will default to 'alltime' if the input is not valid. role_filter: Filter users by their role. team_filter: Filter users by a specified team ID. has_no_team: If true, show only users that have no team. Will ignore provided "team_filter" if true. hide_active: If true, show only users that are inactive. Cannot be used at the same time as "hide_inactive" hide_inactive: If true, show only users that are active. Cannot be used at the same time as "hide_active" search_term: A filtering search term that allows filtering by Username, FirstName, LastName, Nickname or Email `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetUsersForReporting) <>`_ """ return self.client.get("""/api/v4/reports/users""", params=params)
[docs] def get_user_count_for_reporting(self, params=None): """Gets the full count of users that match the filter. role_filter: Filter users by their role. team_filter: Filter users by a specified team ID. has_no_team: If true, show only users that have no team. Will ignore provided "team_filter" if true. hide_active: If true, show only users that are inactive. Cannot be used at the same time as "hide_inactive" hide_inactive: If true, show only users that are active. Cannot be used at the same time as "hide_active" search_term: A filtering search term that allows filtering by Username, FirstName, LastName, Nickname or Email `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetUserCountForReporting) <>`_ """ return self.client.get("""/api/v4/reports/users/count""", params=params)
[docs] def get_server_limits(self): """Gets the server limits for the server `Read in Mattermost API docs (users - GetServerLimits) <>`_ """ return self.client.get("""/api/v4/limits/server""")