This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Working with files


Teaching: 34 min
Exercises: 32 min
  • How should I name my files?

  • How does folder organisation help me

  • Understand elements of good naming strategy

  • Evaluate pros and cons of different project organizations

  • Explain how file management helps in being FAIR

Project organization: planning file names and folder structure

(3 min teaching) Before you even start collecting or working with data you should decide how to structure and name files and folders. This will:

Intro to folder structure Figure credits: Andrés Romanowski

Consistent naming and organization of files in folders has two main goals:

Naming your files (and folders)

One important and often overlooked practice of organizing, sharing, and keeping track of data files is standardized naming.
It is important to develop naming conventions which permit the encoding of experimental factors which are important to the project.

File (folder) names should be consistent, meaningful to you and your collaborators, allow you to easily find what you are looking for, give you a sense of the content without opening the file, and allow you to easily identify if something is missing.



could be a file that contains:

  • normalized data (norm),
  • from experiment in long day (LD)
  • for genotype phyA
  • with media without sucrose (off)
  • at timepoint 4 (t04)

Exercise 1: Naming and sorting (12 min - 3 min explanation)

Have a look at the example files from a project, similar to the one from the previous metadata episode.

All the files have been sorted by name and demonstrate consequences of different naming strategies.

For your information, to encode experimental details the following conventions were taken:

  • phyB/phyA are sample genotypes
  • sXX is the sample number
  • LD/SD are different light conditions (long or short day)
  • on/off are different media (on sucrose, off sucrose)
  • measurement date
  • other details are timepoint and raw or normalized data
  • What are the problems with having the date first?
  • How do different date formats behave once sorted?
  • Can you tell the importance of a leading 0 (zeros)?
  • Is it equally easy to find all data from LD conditions as ON media?
  • Can you spot the problem when using different cases (upper/lower)?
  • Do you see benefits of keeping consistent lengths of the naming conventions?
  • Do you see what happens when you mix conventions?


  • Using dates up front makes it difficult to quickly find data for particular conditions or genotypes. It also masks the “logical” order of samples or timepoints.
  • Named months break the “expected” sorting, same as dates without leading 0
  • Without leading zeros, ‘s12’ appear before s1 and s2
  • the first (and second) part of the name are easiest to spot
  • the last file is also from LD conditions, but appears after SD, same with ‘phya’ genotypes
  • the last 3 file names are easiest to read as all parts appear on top of each other due to the same 3 letter-length codes ons and off
  • The lack of consistency makes it very difficult to get data from related samples/conditions.

(4 min teaching)

Some things to take into account to decide on your naming convention are:



Exercise 2: A good name (3 min)

Select which file options adhere the best to the presented recommendations:

  1. a) analysis-20210906.xlsx
    b) rna-levels-by-site.v002.xlsx
    c) analysis of rna levels from 5Aug2021.xlsx

  2. a) 20210906-birds-count-EDI.csv
    b) birds.csv
    c) birds-count&diversity EDI 2021-09-06.csv

  3. a) 2020-7-12_s2_phyB_+_SD_t01.raw.xlsx
    b) ld_phyA_on_s02-t01_2020-07-12.norm.xlsx
    c) ld_phya_ons_02-01_2020-07-12.norm.xlsx


  • 1 b)
  • 2 a)
  • 3 b)

If adding all the relevant details to file names makes them too long, it is often a signal that you should use folders to organize the files and capture some of those parameters.

Exercise 3: Folders vs Files (5 min)

Have a look as these two different organization strategies:

(1) |– Project
|– |– arab_LD_phyA_off_t04_2020-08-12.metab.xlsx

(2) |– Project
|– |– arabidopsis
|– |– |– long_day
|– |– |– |– phyA
|– |– |– |– |– off_sucrose_2020-08-12
|– |– |– |– |– |– t04.metab.xlsx

Can you think of scenarios in which one is better suited than other? Hint: think of other files that could be present as well.


The first strategies, can work very well if the project has only few files, so all of them can quickly be accessed (no need to change folders) and the different parameters are easily visible. For example a couple of conditions, couple of genotypes or species

– Project  
– arab_LD_phyA_off_t04_2020-08-12.metab.xlsx
– arab_LD_WILD_off_t03_2020-08-11.metab.xlsx
– arab_SD_phyA_off_t01_2020-05-12.metab.xlsx
– arab_SD_WILD_off_t02_2020-05-11.metab.xlsx
– rice_LD_phyA_off_t05_2020-05-02.metab.xlsx
– rice_LD_WILD_off_t06_2020-05-02.metab.xlsx
– rice_SD_phyA_off_t07_2020-06-02.metab.xlsx
– rice_SD_WILD_off_t08_2020-06-02.metab.xlsx

The second strategy works better if we have a lot of individual files for each parameter. For example, imagine the metabolites are measured hourly throughout the day, and there are ten different genotypes, two species and 4 light conditions. You would not want to have all the 2000 files in one folder.

– Project          
– arabidopsis        
– long_day      
– phyA    
– off_sucrose_2020-08-12  
– t01.metab.xlsx
– t02.metab.xlsx
– t03.metab.xlsx
– …
– t23.metab.xlsx
– t24.metab.xlsx
– rice        
– long_day      
– phyA    
– off_sucrose_2020-06-03  
– t01.metab.xlsx
– …
– t24.metab.xlsx

Must do: Document your strategy

Regardless of whether you are using long filenames or incorporating some of the variables within the folder structure, document it!
Always include a PROJECT_STRUCTURE (or README) file describing your file naming and folder organisation conventions.

Strategies to set up a clear folder structure

(3 min teaching) Establishing a system that allows you to access your files, avoid duplication and ensure that your data can be easily found needs planning.

You can start by developing a logical folder structure. To do so, you need to take into account the following suggestions:

Exercise 4: Typical folder organizations (7 min)

Have a look at the four different folder structures. file-organisation-strategies Figure credits: Ines Boehm

The first two: a) b) are recommended for computing, the other two: c) d) are for more wet/biological projects.

  • Which one is the most similar to your project structure?
  • When/why would you use a) and when/why b)
  • When/why would you use c) and when/why d)


  • The b) structure is called “Organized by analysis” or “by figure”, this is useful when analysing datasets in parallel
  • The structure similar to c) is recommended for Brain Imaging Data Structure BIDS, as it is organized by “patient” (in this case pig) and type of scans
  • d) is useful when we are interested in outcomes of drug treatments

(Optional) Good enough practices for scientific computing recommendations

The Good enough practices in scientific computing paper makes the following simple recommendations:

  • Put each project in its own directory, which is named after the project
  • Put text documents associated with the project in the ‘doc’ directory
  • Put raw data and metadata in a ‘data’ directory
  • Put files generated during cleanup and analysis in a ‘results’ directory
  • Put project source code in the ‘src’ directory
  • Put compiled programs in the ‘bin’ directory
  • Name all files to reflect their content or function:
  • Use names such as ‘bird_count_table.csv’, ‘’, or ‘summarized_results.csv’.
  • Do not use sequential numbers (e.g., result1.csv, result2.csv) or a location in a final manuscript (e.g., fig_3_a.png), since those numbers will almost certainly change as the project evolves.

(5 min teaching)

After you have a plan

Your naming conventions might need some adjustments as the project progresses. Don’t despair, just document it!

If you change the strategy document it in PROJECT_STRUCTURE (or README) stating why you made the change and when. Update the locations and names of files which followed the old convention

Backing up your project files and folders

Do you know how and where to keep 3 copies of your data which are always up to date?

Secure data preservation is very difficult to achieve without institutional support and know-how. One option is cloud storage, but not all data may be put in a public cloud.

You should always check your institutional guidelines and what solutions are available in your organisation.

Project file organization and FAIR guidelines

Exercise 5: FAIR Files (5 minutes)

Discuss how can a strategy for folder organisation and naming convention help in achieving FAIR data?


  • Make data more findable
  • Aid in making data more reproducible - projects can be copied easily
  • Raw data can be reanalysed multiple times
  • Conventions can be read automatically
  • Easy to understand content by name, less misanderstandings
  • Easier to find and share data with others
  • Fewer meetings required when sharing data
  • Time saving

(19 min discussion, wrap up of teaching)

Have you realised that the above suggestions mean including valuable metadata as part of your folder structure and file names?

Where to next

Bulk renaming of files can be done with the software such as Ant Renamer, RenameIT or Rename4Mac.

Good enough practices in scientific computing (Wilson et al., 2017)


Content of this episode was created using the following references as inspiration:

Key Points

  • A good file name suggests the file content

  • Good project organization saves you time

  • Describe your files organization in PROJECT_STRUCTURE